The Narrative Monopoly

[Deconstructing the Narrative] - Context of Famous Vietnam Photo

Episode Summary

Deconstructing one of the most popular narratives of the war in Vietnam

Episode Notes

In this week's episode we're rolling out a new format - [Deconstructing the Narrative]. Every so often the podcast will deconstruct a popular narrative providing context and nuance behind it, to get to the truth. 

In this week's episode we deconstruct the narrative from the most infamous photograph of the war in Vietnam.  On February 1st 1968, US photographer Eddie Adams caught the precise moment South Vietnamese General Nguyễn Ngọc Loan executed Nguyễn Văn Lém with his .38 special Smith & Wesson. 

The narrative of Loan ruthlessly killing Lem went viral, and is still widely believed to this day. But is that really the case? Listen to find out. 

