The Narrative Monopoly

#32 - David Sacks, Callin

Episode Summary

A conversation with David Sacks on issues of the day (recorded on Callin)

Episode Notes

This episode was recorded on Callin, a new social podcasting app


David Sacks is co-founder and general partner at Craft Ventures, founder of Callin, and co-host of the All-In Podcast. He has been a successful founder, investor, and operator for over two decades, including as member of the PayPal mafia and founder of Yammer. Some of his early stage investments include AirBnB, Bird, Eventbrite, Facebook, Lyft, OpenDoor, Palantir, Reddit, Slack, SpaceX, Twitter, and Uber. He also writes “Bottom Up SaaS,” a bible for SaaS companies. 





Bottom Up SaaS

All-In Podcast

David's twitter

Jeff's twitter